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Amy Wood Artist

Amy Wood – 2025 Calendar

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The Stories behind the paintings


‘ The Juggle Is Real’ – Winner People’s Choice and Packers prize 2023 South Burnett Regional Council October Art Comp.

I felt straight away that I wanted to paint this story even though it was not at all what I had been hoping to capture with my camera at the mustering on this day. My sister helping her 3 children through the barb wire fence – her own face obscured, disgruntled curious little children’s faces looking out, not really aware of the juggle involved in getting them all through the obstacle safely. For me it expressed a lot of the challenges mothers deal with every day.


‘Little Bright Spots’

The lightness that come from little moments, in nature, caught in wonder at the beauty of a place.


‘From Little Things‘ – Highly Commended – Roma Easter in the Country Art Show 2019

A chuckle at the contrast between the small boy and the huge tree against the majestic landscape. The huge tree would have started as seed  once upon a time.

Also a nod to Paul Kelly and Kev Carmody 😊


‘Watch Em’

The unruly curious mob looking for a way out. Dog, horse and man, watchful but unfazed.


‘Say The Word Boss’ – Finalist DuReitz Awards 2019

The ‘A’ team, ready to go. Oscar and Annie were just waiting for the word to get on with their job. Up for the challenge.


‘Before The Hail’

Pure delight in this fleeting display of gloriously colourful hippeastrums. The display was very fleeting as a hail storm shredded the flowers the next day. 


‘Pony Play’

The way the pony and the boy both look at the viewer. I have so many memories of ponies, at once, much loved childhood companions and maddeningly stubborn, opinionated tyrants! I wonder which one this pony will be today?


‘A Quiet Ride’

Peace, a relaxed team, enjoying loafing along in the bush.


‘Make A Break’ – Winner Open Award – Mt Perry Art Competition 2024

 The madness of a mob tearing along, a bit wild. The splendour of the hills. I confess to enjoying the colour in this one as much as the story.


‘Hey 2 Bars’– Winner Open Award – Gayndah Orange Festival 2023

I love this painting. I felt quite strongly about painting it but even I am torn when it comes to what the story is saying.

The rider is out with his children, dogs and horses in majestic surroundings and takes a quick minute while there is service to check his phone. Our isolation and lack of realiable service are often a disadvantage.(especially when trying to proof read a calendar!)

Could it also be an advantage and an opportunity to disconnect, to leave the incessant demands of the outside world enabled by modern technology and enter a different world where people will have to wait to talk to you?


‘That’ll Do’ – Winner Acrylic Section -2019 Roma Easter in the Country Art Comp

A successful early morning team on their way and at ease with the job ahead.      


‘Old Fashioned Charm’ – Includes second place winner in the Wyong -Valley 9×5 Art Competition 2019

Just plain cute – no excuses!