My Mum gave me a gift, 2 heifer calves and the loan of her favorite milking cow to raise them, we named them Brandy and Midnight.
Added to the workload but still wound up ahead. My heifers started small and cute and would let us hug them and pat them all over while the cow ate the extra feed we gave her. They grew and became independent and would skip up and investigate whatever activity was going on. Painting? Hmm tasty! Bonfire? How close can we get? Garden? Gate open is an invitation it would be rude to refuse! Yesterday I needed to move them back to Mum’s as they have eaten all the grass on our small block. I have yet to invest in a loading ramp, instead backed Dad’s trailer up to a perfect bank. Took 3 hours to coax them in with the only bribe that holds any sway with them. FOOD! Finally after loading them and arriving at Mum and Dad’s, the flash loading ramp there was not to Brandy and Midnight’s taste. Another hour, more food and throwing aside my reservations about hopping into the trailer with them and actually having to physically lean on their behinds and shove with all my might and persuade them to leave the trailer!! Whatever their faults my heifers are VERY quiet! I miss their comedic companiable presence already.