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Amy Wood Artist

Welcome to My New Website

Art is a moment I can lose myself in, a captivating story, a maddening attempt to express an elusive idea, striving to bring my skills to the level of fluency that allows me to communicate effectively with others, to connect over shared moments and ideas. I feel slightly braver about expressing myself in art than in life.

My paintings lately have shifted away from trying to capture the pure moments when everything is right with the world. Instead, I seem to be attempting portraits of the absurd moments when everything looks right but you can see real life seeping through.

A father out for an afternoon horse ride with his sons in the splendor of nature……is checking his phone.

A mother with three very young children in tow, helping her brood navigate a barb wire fence. A necessity she manages capably while her children’s faces show their skepticism.

This website is to share my art a little and describe the ideas behind what I do.

I hope you enjoy my paintings.
